Marple Library and PA Forward (R)
In 2019 Marple Library became the first in Delaware County to achieve the PA Forward (R) Gold Star. PA Forward (R) is a statewide initiative under the PA Library Association (PaLA) that places the spotlight on Pennsylvania libraries and their important role in the community. Marple Library has earned the gold star level by promoting the five literacies that are the backbone of PA Forward:
• Basic
• Information
• Civic and Social
• Health
• Financial

You may have noticed the literacy logos on workshop and event flyers and displays across the library. As part of PA Forward, these are actions we have taken to raise awareness of how our services help Pennsylvania citizens improve their command of the five types of literacy. This webpage is another. We’ll review each literacy and provide examples of services that are available right here.
Programs by other libraries meeting these literacies can be found at PA Forward® Academy (
We will continue to keep you informed as we showcase why Marple Library should be your “favorite place”.

Libraries can push Pennsylvania to achieve one of the highest literacy rates in the country, a trained and skilled workforce, and a growing economy, tax base, and population.
Services we have to offer include:
- Storytimes
- StoryWalks
- RPG Club for Teens and Tween
- Book Club for Adults

Libraries can help all Pennsylvanians learn how to use online resources and current technology to improve their education, to enhance their job skills, to develop their personal lives, and to fully participate in a digital society.
Services we have to offer include:
- Reference Desk Services
- Computers with Internet Access
- Free 24/7 Wireless Access
- Mobile Printing Services
- Rokus and Preloaded Kindles
- A Nature Kit with Geocaching guide

Libraries can play an important role in helping citizens have the knowledge and skills they need to improve their lives, to participate and contribute effectively to their community, government, and society, and to connect with one another through discourse.
Services we have to offer include:
- Socrates Café
- Community Puzzle
- Adult Board Game Group
- Friday Flicks
- Online and live programs
- Lego Club

Libraries can play an important role in helping citizens manage their own and their family’s well-being, and empower them to be effective partners with their healthcare providers so they can live longer, more productive lives.
- Yoga for Children
- T’ai Chi Chih Series for Adults
- Seed Library
- A Fit Kit with DVD and Equipment

Libraries can help citizens become informed consumers and guide individuals, small businesses, and other organizations to contribute to the economic vitality of their community through innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic development.
Services we have to offer include:
- Tax Forms readily available during tax season
- Workshops on Medicare and Social Security
- College and Finances session
Visit the library in person or online to learn about these and other programs and become part of moving PA Forward!